Give your Strategy a Refresh

For more information on how to refresh your organization’s learning strategy – check out Evolve’s Learning Strategy Refresh whitepaper.

Align with Business Goals
Ensure that Learning & Development (L&D) initiatives directly support the company’s strategic objectives, such as driving growth, improving employee retention, or addressing skill gaps. Gather input from each business such as current skill gaps, upcoming initiatives, and opportunities for cross- and upskilling.

Prioritize your Initiatives
Priorities will vary depending on the scope of your L&D department, as well as the needs of your organization’s industry. Priorities should align with business goals while considering short- and long-term organizational needs.

Top 5 L&D Initiatives

1. Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
AI and data analytics enhances decision-making by leveraging data analytics to optimize training and identify skill gaps. AI can automate routine tasks, accelerate the concept ideation and content development process, increase personalization, and support targeted skill-building initiatives.

2. Learning Technology and Tools
Learning technology and tools enable an organization to scale delivery and track learning in multiple modalities to meet learners at the point of need.

3. Content Development and Curation
Developing and curating content in-house allows for highly relevant, engaging, and actionable training materials—leading to better learner engagement, knowledge retention, and application.

4. Blended Learning
Blended learning provides the right content at the right time in a format that works for the learner. An effective blended learning program should include facilitated and self-guided content that meets the learner at the point of need.

5. Employee Engagement and Retention
Employee engagement and retention lead to improved productivity and performance, as engaged employees are more motivated, committed, and likely to contribute positively to business outcomes. Additionally, strong engagement and retention efforts enhance company culture and morale, fostering a more cohesive and supportive work environment that reduces turnover and associated costs.

Ready to get started?

Check out our L&D Budgeting Workbook – A Learning Leader’s Comprehensive Budgeting Workbook for Learning & Development (L&D) Initiatives.
Use this workbook to plan and allocate resources that maximize ROI and ensure alignment with business goals, focusing on the critical trends for the upcoming year including AI, data analytics, and digital learning tools to optimize training efforts, improve employee performance, and reduce costs while also considering key areas like compliance, blended learning, and employee engagement.