An Onboarding Checklist, like the downloadable one we made here, can help serve as a comprehensive guide, outlining essential tasks and activities that need to be completed during the onboarding process. In earlier articles, we looked at helping new hires Master the First 30 Days of onboarding, and then how to Maximize their Potential in Days 31-60.

The initial excitement and learning curve of the first 60 days of onboarding have paved the way for a crucial phase in an employee’s integration into a new company—days 61-90.

This article focuses on sustaining success in Days 61-90. During this period, the focus shifts towards goal review and adjustment, fostering independence and productivity, and laying the groundwork for ongoing development and career growth.

Days 61-90

Goal Review and Adjustment

1. One of the key components of the 61–90-day period of onboarding is a comprehensive review of the new hire’s performance against the initial goals they set during the first phases of their onboarding process. This evaluation can provide valuable insights into the employee’s strengths, areas for improvement, and overall progress during their time (so far) with your organization. Managers should take this opportunity to acknowledge achievements, address challenges, and gather feedback from the new hire moving forward.

2. Adjusting long-term objectives and development plans based on the individual’s progress is a crucial step in ensuring that goals remain relevant and aligned with the evolving needs of both the employee and your organization. This adaptability helps in creating a dynamic and responsive framework that nurtures professional growth.

3. The 61–90-day phase is also an ideal time to discuss potential career growth opportunities within the company. Engaging in open conversations about the new hire’s aspirations, interests, and long-term goals can allow you to tailor development plans that align with the employee’s career trajectory. This proactive approach not only boosts morale but also fosters a sense of commitment and loyalty to the organization.


Independence and Productivity

1. In this phase of onboarding new hires should have full ownership of tasks that allow the new hire to showcase their capabilities, build confidence and competence, and take on more responsibilities.

2. Throughout this final phase, continue to monitor their ability to contribute effectively. The trick is balancing a feeling of support while they gradually gain independence in their roles.

3. As always, provide ongoing feedback, helping them to fine-tune their performance and foster a culture of continuous improvement.


Beyond 90 Days

As the onboarding process moves beyond the 90-day mark, it is crucial to solicit feedback about the new hire’s onboarding experience. Understanding their perspective provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your organization’s onboarding program and offers an opportunity for refinement.

The transition from onboarding to ongoing development and career growth marks a pivotal moment. Scheduling periodic performance reviews and development discussions becomes integral to maintaining a positive trajectory. These conversations not only serve to track progress, but also provide a platform for addressing any emerging challenges or opportunities.

To ensure the new hire continues to feel supported and engaged in their role, ongoing communication is key. Managers should maintain an open line of dialogue, creating a collaborative environment that values individual contributions. This approach reinforces the sense of belonging and investment in the organization.

Days 61-90 and beyond of the onboarding process are critical for solidifying the new hire’s integration into the company. Through goal review and adjustment, discussions on career growth, fostering independence and productivity, and ongoing development initiatives, organizations can cultivate a positive work culture that nurtures talent and supports long-term employee engagement.

If you haven’t already, download our Onboarding Checklist to use in your organization’s onboarding process for a quick reference tool!